一、引言 CFCs物质对大气臭氧层的破坏作用已引起世界范围的关注,使得开发研究新的、无污染的CFCs物质的替代物逐渐成为一个十分紧迫的问题。在众多可能的替代物中HFCl34a被认为是最有可能代替R_(12)的理想工质。 HFCl34a开发研究的历史不长,因此关于它蒸气压方程的文献并不是很丰富。表l列出了最近二、三年间发表的四个HFCl34a蒸气压方程的一些情况。由表l可以看出,
I. INTRODUCTION The damaging effects of CFCs on the atmospheric ozone layer have drawn worldwide attention. As a result, the development of new and non-polluting substitutes for CFCs has gradually become a pressing issue. Among many possible alternatives, HFCl34a is considered to be the most likely substitute for R_ (12). HFCl34a development and research history is not long, so the literature on its vapor pressure equation is not very rich. Table I lists some of the four HFCl34a vapor pressure equations published in the last two or three years. Table l can be seen,