中国内陆盐碱水域广阔,但鱼类养殖品种单一,渔业生产力低下。引进国外鱼类新品种———卡拉白鱼,旨在改变盐碱水域的生产性能,为水产养殖业带来显著经济效益。文章阐述了以渔改碱,开发和利用盐碱水域的意义,以及卡拉白鱼引进后开展的研究工作,卡拉白鱼在养殖过程中存在的问题和今后研究的方向,以期为卡拉白鱼的扩繁和规模化生产提供技术资料。“,”There are a vast quantity of saline?alkali water resources in Chinese inland. However, fish species has been single and fishery productivity has always been kept at low level. The purpose of in?troducing new species of saline?alkali tolerant fish of Chalcalburnus chalcoides Aralensis is to improve those areas′ ecological environment, change the producing performance of those waters and bring significant benefits for domestic aquaculture. This paper shows significance of exploiting saline?alkali water areas of China, research work after the introduction of Chalcalburnus chalcoides Aralensis, as well as feeding problems and future research direction of Chalcalburnus chalcoides Aralensis breed?ing, in order to provide technical data for the propagation and massive production of Chalcalburnus chalcoides Aralensis.