20 0 3年 2月 1 8日至 2 1日 ,中共中央文献研究室和中共重庆市委在重庆联合召开邓小平研究述评学术研讨会。这次会议 ,是为 2 0 0 4年邓小平诞辰 1 0 0周年召开全国邓小平理论和生平研讨会作准备的。来自全国各邓小平理论研究基地的负责人和中央有关部门、军队 ,各省、区、市
From February 18 to February 21, 2003, the Document Research Office of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Chongqing Municipal Party Committee jointly convened the Deng Xiaoping Research Review Symposium in Chongqing. This meeting is to prepare for the convening of a seminar on Deng Xiaoping Theory and Life of China during the 104th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth in 2004. Leaders from all Deng Xiaoping Theory Research Bases and related departments of the Central Government, the armed forces, provinces, regions and municipalities