舞蹈的最高境界,在常人看来,应是美如画。在最纯洁的学生时光中,朝气蓬勃的活力是你们最好的特质。然而仅有这份活力是不够的,听听评审们的建议,以此取长补短吧。甲A组拉丁舞Karen Hardy(凯伦·哈代)甲A组拉丁舞比赛非常精彩,选手们实力都很强,要让评审在半决赛中选6对选手进入决赛真不是件易事。总体来说,第3至第6名的选手差距并不是太大。王棘/潘建卉是无可置疑的冠军选手。相对于从前,他们的舞蹈变得更为流畅,肌
The highest level of dance, in ordinary people’s opinion, should be beautiful and picturesque. In the purest student life, vibrant vitality is your best trait. However, only this vitality is not enough, listen to the judges’ suggestions, in order to complement each other. A group of Latin dance Karen Hardy (Karen Hardy) A Group A Latin dance competition is very exciting, the players are very strong, let the judges in the semi-finals selected 6 pairs of players into the final really not easy. On the whole, the gap between the 3rd and 6th place players is not too great. Wang Jian / Pan Jianhui is undoubted champion champion. Compared to the past, their dances have become more fluid and muscular