近年来,随着保护地栽培的发展,番茄生产以春提前为主逐渐转向冬季生产。目前番茄生产难度大和供应短缺的季节仍然是夏秋和初冬两个季节。为夺取秋延迟番茄高产高效,现结合近年来的生产实践,对番茄秋延迟栽培技术作一介绍。一、番茄生物学特性 (一)温度番茄是喜温性蔬菜,生长适温为20~25℃开花结果期对温度要求严格,低于15℃或高于30℃易落花落果,低于8℃时果实易受寒害。生育期间应保持较高的温度。 (二)光照番茄喜强光照,苗期光照不足影响花芽分化。故育苗期必须使幼苗有一定营养面积,以确保有充足的光照。
In recent years, with the development of protected cultivation, tomato production gradually shifted to winter production mainly in spring. The current tomato production is difficult and the supply shortage season is still summer and autumn and early winter two seasons. In order to seize autumn high yield and high efficiency tomato, now combined with the practice of production in recent years, autumn tomato autumn cultivation technology to make an introduction. First, the biological characteristics of tomatoes (A) temperature Tomato is a warm-blooded vegetables, growth temperature is 20 ~ 25 ℃ flowering fruiting stage of the strict requirements of temperature below 15 ℃ or above 30 ℃ easy to fall drop fruit, less than 8 ℃ When the fruit is susceptible to cold damage. During pregnancy should maintain a high temperature. (B) light tomato hi light, seedling light affect the flower bud differentiation. Therefore, nursery seedlings must make certain nutritional area, to ensure adequate light.