1.概述古柯属古柯科,是药用植物,从叶片提取麻醉药古柯碱。古柯碱用作局部麻醉剂或镇痛剂。在热带南美洲,民间自古以来把古柯叶作为一种咀嚼物。 2.沿革及近况古柯原产秘鲁、玻利维亚东部海拔1,200—1,300米的山区没有发现野生树,上述地区自古以来有栽培。现在智利、巴西、阿根廷等国的山地也有栽培了,西印度群岛、牙买加等亦产之。 3.形态为常绿灌木,高约1.5—3
1. Overview Coca genus Coca, is a medicinal plant, extracted from leaves of cocaine anesthetics. Cocaine is used as a local anesthetic or analgesic. In tropical South America, folk have since ancient times used coca leaves as a chew. 2. History and current situation Coca origin Peru, the eastern Bolivia 1,200-1,300 meters above sea level in the mountains found no wild trees, the above-mentioned areas have been cultivated. Now Chile, Brazil, Argentina and other countries have also cultivated the mountains, West Indies, Jamaica, also produced. 3. Form of evergreen shrubs, about 1.5-3 high