对叶赛宁与俄国意象派的关系 ,苏联和我国的文学评论家一直都持否定态度。或认为“意象主义对叶赛宁的毁灭性是无疑的”。“意象派只是从叶赛宁身上夺取而没有相应地给他一点有用的东西”。① 或为维护诗人的“清白”而强调“意象派成为横亘在叶赛宁和进步的、革命的文学之间的
The relationship between Ye Seining and the Russian Imagist, the Soviet Union and our literary critics has always been negative. Or that “the devastating effect of imagery on Yesenin is beyond doubt.” “The Imagist just seized from Isaacsine and did not give him something useful.” ① or to maintain the poet’s “innocence” and emphasize that "the imagery becomes the interplay between Ye Seining and the progressive and revolutionary literature