当前,有些地方和单位在档案管理达标上存在着“五个误区”,各级档案行政管理部门必须引起高度重视。 ——科学地进行业务指导,走出“包办代替”的误区 档案达标既是对档案人员业务素质的一次检验,又是一次熟悉业务、更新知识的极好机会。但有些单位的领导和档案人员认为,达标是档案部门的事,档案人员
At present, some places and units have “five misunderstandings” on file management standards, and the file administration departments at all levels must attach great importance. - Scientifically conducting business guidance and stepping out of the misunderstanding of archiving instead of replacement The achievement of archival standards is not only an examination of the professional qualifications of archivists but also an excellent opportunity to become familiar with business and update knowledge. However, some units of the leaders and archivists believe that compliance is the archives department, archivists