Salvia miltiorrhiza: Traditional medicinal uses, chemistry, and pharmacology

来源 :Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHY19641030
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Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge(SM) is a very popular medicinal plant that has been extensively applied for many years to treat various diseases, especially coronary heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases, either alone or in combination with other Chinese plant-based medicines. Although a large number of studies on SM have been performed, they are scattered across a variety of publications. The present review is an up-to-date summary of the published scientific information about the traditional uses, chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, side effects, and drug interactions with SM, in order to lay the foundation for further investigations and better utilization of SM. SM contains diverse chemical components including diterpenoid quinones, hydrophilic phenolic acids, and essential oils. Many pharmacological studies have been done on SM during the last 30 years, focusing on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects, and the antioxidative, neuroprotective, antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory, and antineoplastic activities. The research results strongly support the notion that SM has beneficial therapeutic properties and has a potential of being an effective adaptogenic remedy. Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SM) is a very popular medicinal plant that has been extensively applied for many years to treat various diseases, particularly coronary heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases, either alone or in combination with other Chinese plant-based medicines. of studies on SM have been performed, they are scattered across a variety of publications. The present review is an up-to-date summary of the published scientific information about the traditional uses, chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, side effects, and drug interactions with SM, in order to lay the foundation for further investigations and better utilization of SM. SM contains diverse chemical components including diterpenoid quinones, hydrophilic phenolic acids, and essential oils. Many pharmacological studies have been done on SM during the last 30 years on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects, and the antioxidative, neuroprotective, antifibrotic, anti -inflammatory, and antineoplastic activities. The research results strongly support the notion that SM has beneficial therapeutic properties and has a potential of being an effective adaptogenic remedy.
对激光等离子体反应生成的原子团簇 Fen Pm + (n= 1~3, m = 2~12)进行了量子化学从头算研究, 对可能的几何结构进行了试探性计算, 并对其中较稳定构型进行结构优化. 结果表明: Fe Pm + 中, Fe 倾向与 P形成
会让人流汗的热风,时常熟络地掀起晒得发黄的白色窗帘,拂过脸颊。碰撞当然是交流的一种方式,只是无法辨识,也无法回应。于是闭上眼,静静倾听。  它什么也没说,只是旁若无人地从窗口涌入,从门口游出。  专注于寻找出口与入口的存在,像是本领高强的入室窃贼,无孔不入,无孔不出,却从不偷窃,只有钻入潜出的癖好。  它的脾性复杂,难以捉摸。有时性情温和得像怀里的猫,撞到墙壁,侵入不得时也最多只会呼呼嚷叫一番,然
这个月我试驾了许多的车型,包括小型车K2、中级车508、豪华车C级、E级、跑车TTS、敞篷车IS250C,还有大尺寸的SuV MDX,但我发现这些车型对于我来说似乎并不是非常适合。首先说