中枢神经系统(CNS)真菌感染的病因有多种,新型隐球菌是最常见的病因,曲菌、芽生菌属、念珠菌属、球孢子菌属、着色霉菌等均可作为致病因子。各种真菌对正常人和免疫受损者 CNS 的致病性不完全相同,可分为外源性感染和内源性感染。真菌引起的 CNS 感染可表现为脑膜炎、脑脓肿(或肉芽肿)、脊髓损害,其临床症状与体征视不同菌种略有不同。CNS 真菌感染治疗按其不同菌种联合应用敏感的抗真菌药物,部分患者应辅以手术治疗。
Central nervous system (CNS) fungal infections caused by a variety of causes, Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common cause of Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Candida, Coccidioidomyces, colored mold, etc. can be used as a causal agent. Various fungi on normal and immune compromised CNS pathogenicity is not exactly the same, can be divided into exogenous infections and endogenous infections. Fungal infections caused by CNS can be manifested as meningitis, brain abscess (or granuloma), spinal cord injury, the clinical symptoms and signs depending on different strains slightly different. CNS fungal infection treatment according to their different strains combined with sensitive antifungal drugs, some patients should be supplemented with surgery.