南天竹(Nandina domestica)的种子发芽率低,植株发展缓慢,不能大量发展。今采用茎枝扦插繁殖获得成功,现介绍如下: 1.选地整地:选用疏松、湿润、排水良好的砂质壤土(轻粘性土壤亦可),松土后平整土面,畦宽约1米,畦沟宽约0.4米。2.扦插:清明后,择阴天在平整的畦面上开浅沟,行距12~15厘米,深约5厘米。将南天竹茎斜剪成约10厘米的段,斜插于沟里,压实周围的土壤,若土壤干燥,扦
South Dianthus (Nandina domestica) seed germination rate is low, the slow development of plants, can not be a lot of development. The successful use of stem cutting propagation here are as follows: 1. The election site preparation: Selection of loose, moist, well drained sandy loam (light viscous soil can be), after loosening the soil surface, 畦 about 1 meter wide , 畦 ditch width of about 0.4 meters. 2. Cuttings: After the Ching Ming, choose cloudy in the flat surface of the open shallow ditch, spacing 12 ~ 15 cm, about 5 cm deep. Stems of southern bamboo cut to about 10 cm diagonal, oblique inserted in the ditch, compaction of the surrounding soil, if the soil is dry, skewer