随着我国加入WTO和国内建筑业市场的进一步开放,高素质人才在市场竞争中的作用突现,一场没有硝烟的建筑业人才争夺战在国内打响。由于体制、机制等多方面原因,相当一部分国有施工企业在这场人才争夺战中处于被动地位。重构自身的人力资源竞争力,成为国有施工企业面对入世挑战的一项紧迫任务。 一、建筑业人才入世争夺战的趋势
With the further opening of China’s accession to the WTO and the domestic construction industry market, the role of high-quality talents in market competition has emerged. A fight for talents in the construction industry without smoke has started in the country. Due to various reasons such as system and mechanism, a considerable number of state-owned construction enterprises are in a passive position in this battle for talent. Reconstructing its own human resources competitiveness has become an urgent task for state-owned construction enterprises in the face of the challenge of China’s accession to the WTO. I. Trends of talents in the construction industry entering the WTO