Genetic variation of occult hepatitis B virus infection

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liudanfeng
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Occult hepatitis B virus infection(OBI), characterized as the persistence of hepatitis B virus(HBV) surface antigen(HBs Ag) seronegativity and low viral load in blood or liver, is a special form of HBV infection. OBI may be related mainly to mutations in the HBV genome, although the underlying mechanism of it remains to be clarified. Mutations especially within the immunodominant “α” determinant of S protein are “hot spots” that could contribute to the occurrence of OBI via affecting antigenicity and immunogenicity of HBs Ag or replication and secretion of virion. Clinical reports account for a large proportion of previous studies on OBI, while functional analyses, especially those based on full-length HBV genome, are rare. Occult hepatitis B virus infection (OBI), characterized as the persistence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen (HBsAg) seronegativity and low viral load in blood or liver, is a special form of HBV infection. OBI may be related mainly to mutations in the HBV genome, although the underlying mechanism of it remains to be clarified. Mutations especially within the immunodominant “α” determinant of S protein are “hot spots” that could contribute to the occurrence of OBI via affecting antigenicity and Immunogenicity of HBs Ag or replication and secretion of virions. Clinical reports account for a large proportion of previous studies on OBI, while functional analyzes, particularly those based on full-length HBV genome, are rare.
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上图是商用冷冻冷藏系统控制图,此系统由冻结室蒸发器 A,冷藏室蒸发器 B,压缩机 C,冷凝器 D 及储液器 E 组成。制冷剂经 DX 型干燥过滤器及 SGI 型视液镜流到 TE 型膨胀阀。