细节是魔鬼!有线电视数字化的成功与否,很大程度上取决于细节的判断与执行——而正确的行为,恰恰来源于对经济规律的本质把握和对整体发展战略的正确认知!从本期专栏开始,罗小布老师将为广大读者就有线数字化进程中的100个细节问题做出经济学解释,深入浅出、极富实战指导意义。我们希望,业内同仁不但能从中得到战术的指导,更能引发对有线数字化基本经济规律和原理的探讨,这也是作者与编者所最期待的愿景。热忱欢迎您的睿智观点,来稿请发[email protected]。
The details are the devil! The success of digitizing cable depends largely on the judgment and execution of the details - and the correct behavior derives precisely from the essence of economic laws and the correct understanding of the overall development strategy. Beginning of this column, Luo Xiaobu will give readers a general explanation of the economics of 100 details in the process of digitization of cables, explaining profound theories in simple language, which is extremely practical and instructive. We hope that our colleagues in the industry can not only get the tactical guidance from them, but also trigger the discussion on the basic economic rules and principles of digitalization of wires and cables, which is also the most anticipated vision of the authors and editors. Warmly welcome your wisdom point of view, contributions, please send [email protected].