Objective To investigate the relationship between the abnormality of cell cycle control genes cyclin and CDK and the occurrence of breast cancer. Methods Twenty breast cancer surgical samples were collected and the expression of cyclinD1, D3, E, CDK2 and CDK4 mRNA was analyzed by in situ hybridization. Results In most breast cancer samples, one or more of these genes showed high expression. CyclinD1 was highly expressed in 17 cases (85%), cyclinD3 in 12 cases (60%), cy-clinE in 7 cases (35%), CDK2 in 6 cases (30%), and CKD4 in 16 cases (80%). The cyclinD1 and CDK4 showed the strongest coloration, followed by cyclinD3. The cy-clinE and CDK2 showed weak coloration. The normal breast tissue showed negative coloration. Conclusion It is speculated that the abnormal expression of cyclin and CDK genes, especially cyclinD1 and CDK4, is closely related to the occurrence of breast cancer.