In general, the development of the T-72 medium-sized tank dates back to August 15, 1967, when the Soviet Council of Ministers made a resolution on “Soviet troops equipping and developing the new T-64 medium tank and developing the tank manufacturing facility” . According to this order, T-64 medium-sized tanks not only went into production at the Kharecov Mareshev Transport Machinery Factory, but all T-64 medium tanks were to be converted by all tank factories in the Soviet Union, including the medium-sized T-62 Tank under the Tarkir Ural locomotive factory. At that time, the T-64 medium tank was favored by the top Soviet decision-makers. Ustinov, then secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and Boluyal Arumuch, the armored general, were both staunch supporters of the T-64 medium tank.