风湿科自 1999年 2月~ 2000年 4月共收治急性类风湿性关节炎 40例,在药物治疗的基础上指导功能锻炼,取得很好的效果。 1 对象与方法 本组 40例患者均符合类风湿性关节炎的诊断标准。其中男 10例,女 30例;男女之比为 1: 3;年龄 15~ 72岁;平均 43.5岁;病程 8个月~ 20
Rheumatism from February 1999 to April 2000 were treated 40 cases of acute rheumatoid arthritis, medication based on the guidance of functional exercise, and achieved good results. 1 objects and methods in this group of 40 patients are in line with the diagnostic criteria of rheumatoid arthritis. Including 10 males and 30 females; male to female ratio of 1: 3; aged 15 to 72 years; mean 43.5 years; duration of 8 months to 20