为了进一步加强支援农业的工作,发挥刊物对农村医院的技术指导作用,本刊特开辟“农村医药卫生讲座”专栏.希望大家积极为这个专栏组织和撰写稿件.可以针对当前严重危害我省广大农民身体健康的地方病、多发病、传染病,以及农村医院的设备条件、技术水平等特点,进行理论知识上的指导和临床经验的介绍;也可根据农村医院目前所设有的主要科室的薄弱环节,介绍所积累和创造的经验与新的技术;还可以用精炼的文字,深入浅出地介绍新近国内外医学发展的动向,各学科的新知识、新技术.总之,是为了使农村医院的同志们能从刊物上了解到新的知识,学习到适用的技术,从而进一步提高业务技术水平,更好地把工作做好;同时希望农村医院的医务人员能把您们在每个时期的要求,和在医防工作中所遇到的的疑难问题,及时地向我们反映,以便做到有的放矢,能真正解决一些实际问题. 让我们共同努力,尽量为加速农村医院的建设,更好地为农业生产服务,贡献出自己的力量吧!
In order to further strengthen the work of supporting agriculture and give full play to the technical guidance of the publications on rural hospitals, we hereby open up a special column entitled “Lectures on Rural Medical and Health Care.” We hope that all of you will actively organize and compile manuscripts for this column. Physical health of endemic diseases, frequently-occurring disease, infectious diseases, as well as the rural hospital equipment, technical level and other characteristics of the theoretical knowledge of the guidance and clinical experience of the introduction; rural hospitals can also be based on the current major sections of the weaknesses , Introduced the accumulated and created by the experience and new technologies; can also use the refined text, explain profound theories in simple language to introduce the recent trends in the development of medicine at home and abroad, new knowledge of various disciplines, new technologies.In short, is to enable rural hospital comrades We can learn new knowledge and learn suitable technologies from the publications so as to further improve our technical skills and make our work better. At the same time, it is hoped that the medical staff in rural hospitals can share your requests in each period and Encountered in the medical work in the difficult problems, in a timely manner to reflect to us in order to be targeted, can really Solve some practical problems. Let us work together to try to speed up construction of rural hospitals to better serve agricultural production, contribute their strength!