
来源 :戏剧文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tongjm2009
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豫西北明清以怀庆府谓之,此域民间戏剧文化厚重,其演出活动历史久远,遗存有大量民间戏曲碑刻。所见戏曲碑刻涉及戏台或戏楼抑或舞楼的创建或重修及明清地方社会民间演剧生态、演剧民俗等史料内容,可补地方官方文献和史志对此域明清民间演剧所载阙如之憾,同时这些戏曲碑刻亦为研究此域民间信仰、地方经济及地方民间社会等内容提供客观可信的史料注释。 In the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Qing Dynasty, Huaiqing Prefecture claimed that there was a heavy folk culture in this area and that its performance activities have a long history and a large number of folk opera inscriptions remained. The opera inscriptions witnessed the creation or rebuilding of the stage or playhouse or dance floor and the historical contents of local folk-play ecology and drama folklore in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which can supplement the local official literature and Shi-Zhi on the Ming-Qing civil drama in this area In addition, these opera inscriptions also provide objective and credible historical annotations for studying folk beliefs, local economies and local civil society in this area.
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被业内看好作为电子商务楷模的网上书店,已 经开始显山露水了,它们是科文当当网站、旌旗席殊图书网站、科利华全国购书网、人民教育时空等四家。自从“亚马逊”的神话在1999年底的
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