
来源 :中国经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fondfood
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每当人们协调好市场和政府之间的矛盾关系时,社会经济就向前发展;每当这个矛盾趋于激化时,社会经济就遇到麻烦。我们面临的主要问题的是竞争不足。一旦遇到新的经济矛盾,人们常常自觉不自觉地从旧体制的经验中寻求答案。我国经济发展的最大“瓶颈”并非是资源的稀缺,而是资源配置的无效率和非优化。政府总是要站在反垄断立场上的。垄断是厂商的本能取向,反垄断是政府的天然职责。拿价格说话,这种尺度的单一性是人类文明进步的重要标志。问题不在于存在着价格竞争,而在于那些劣的企业无法顺畅地从供给领域退出。局部市场与统一市场之间的矛盾并非只是地方保护主义,国内市场与世界市场之间的矛盾关系也在激化。要把资源集中起来,又不能打破资源归属的制度约定,市场经济就是在这两个约束条件下证明了自己的神奇。不能公开剥夺,也不能暗中剥夺。前期股市发展的不完善就在于存在着允许暗中剥夺的漏洞。资本市场的真谛不是把别人的钱装到自己口袋里的“游戏”场所,而是尊重、保护、维护多元化的产权归属的制度产物。 Whenever people coordinate the contradictory relationship between the market and the government, the social economy moves forward. Whenever this contradiction intensifies, the social economy encounters troubles. The main problem we face is the lack of competition. In the event of new economic contradictions, people often consciously or unconsciously seek answers from the experience of the old system. The biggest “bottleneck” in China’s economic development is not the scarcity of resources but the inefficiency and non-optimization of resource allocation. The government always has to stand on the antitrust standpoint. Monopoly is the instinct of manufacturers, antitrust is the government’s natural responsibility. Take the price to speak, the unity of this scale is an important symbol of human civilization and progress. The problem is not the existence of price competition, but rather the poor business can not smoothly exit from the supply. The conflict between the local market and the unified market is not just local protectionism. The contradiction between the domestic market and the world market is also intensifying. It is necessary to bring together resources without breaking the system agreement on the ownership of resources. The market economy has proved its magic under the two constraints. Can not be deprived of openly, can not be secretly deprived. The imperfection of the development of the previous stock market lies in the existence of a loophole that can be exploited secretly. The essence of the capital market is not the “game” place where other people’s money is loaded into their pockets but the institutional product that respects, protects, and maintains the ownership of diversified ownership.
西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 省商务厅等部门拟定的《关于进一步加强和规范边销茶市场管理的意见》已经省人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请结