一、概述 连云港地区第四系全新世海相沉积淤泥层在海峡内外普遍分布,其厚度在海峡西口约4至9米,向东逐渐增厚,至旗台山前达20米以上。由于这种海相沉积淤泥层的流塑性和低强度,很早就引起工程部门的重视。在三十年代建港初期,由于对这种淤泥的物理力学性质认识不足,将淤泥的内摩擦角定得过高(φ=30°),致使码头的钢板桩在施
I. Overview The Lianyungang Quaternary Holocene marine sediment silt layer is widely distributed both inside and outside the Strait. Its thickness is about 4 to 9 meters west of the Strait and gradually increases to the east up to 20 meters above the flag. Due to the fluidity and low strength of this marine sediment silt, it has long been recognized by the engineering department. In the early 1930s, due to lack of understanding of the physical and mechanical properties of such silt, the internal friction angle of the silt was set too high (φ = 30 °)