闪耀新技术光辉的巨型火箭 我国发射载人飞船的火箭是“长征”二号F型,这是将“长征”二号一级火箭作为芯级,并在四周捆绑4枚液体助推火箭形成“长二捆”火箭后又改进了的新型火箭。火箭全长58.343米,起飞质量479.8吨,起飞推力604.4吨。芯级火箭直径3.35米,4枚助推火箭直径都是2.25米。“长征”二号F可将约9吨有效载荷送入离地面200-400千米的地球轨道上去。这种火箭不论在国内还是在国际都是排在前列的一种巍峨的巨型火箭。
Shining new technology glorious giant rocket launching manned spacecraft in China is the rocket “Long March” F-2, which is the “Long March” a rocket level as a core, and in four weeks bundled with four liquid booster rocket to form a “ Long two bundles ”rocket and then improved the new rocket. The rocket is 58.343 meters in length, with a take-off mass of 479.8 tons and a take-off thrust of 604.4 tons. Core rocket diameter of 3.35 meters, 4 booster rocket diameter is 2.25 meters. The “Long March” II F can deliver about 9 tons of payload into Earth’s orbit 200-400 km above the Earth’s surface. This rocket is at the forefront of a towering giant rocket both at home and internationally.