口腔颌面部间隙感染(oral and maxillofacial space infections,OMSI)是颌面部潜在筋膜间隙的感染,是口腔颌面部的常见疾病。OMSI病例具有耐药菌感染增多、重症感染增多、致死风险增加等特点。为提高OMSI的治愈率,其治疗原则与方法需与时俱进。因此,依据国内部分专家当前诊治OMSI的临床经验,结合国际同行治疗经验,本文从术前检查、检查结果解读、经验性用药原则、手术处理原则、术后换药原则、智齿冠周炎相关间隙感染的防治策略、血糖监测与控制、物理因子治疗原则、路德维希咽峡炎治疗和围手术期护理等10个方面进行系统性总结,形成共识,以期逐步实现我国口腔颌面外科同行诊治OMSI的规范化与标准化,最终达到提高我国OMSI的诊疗水平的目的。“,”Oral and maxillofacial space infections (OMSI) are common diseases of the facial region involving fascial spaces. Recently, OMSI shows trends of multi drug-resistance, severe symptoms, and increased mortality. OMSI treatment principles need to be updated to improve the cure rate. Based on the clinical experiences of Chinese experts and with the incorporation of international counterparts′ expertise, the principles of preoperative checklist, interpretation of examination results, empirical medication principles, surgical treatment principles, postoperative drainage principles, prevention strategies of wisdom teeth pericoronitis-related OMSI, blood glucose management, physiotherapy principles, Ludwig′s angina treatment and perioperative care were systematically summarized and an expert consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of OMSI was reached. The consensus aims to provide criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of OMSI in China so as to improve the level of OMSI treatment.