The division of China’s prehistoric period, especially the Neolithic culture, is a “hot topic” often covered by the archeology circles in the past ten years in the research on the typology and genre. Professor Su Bingqi, the earliest proponent of this research thought, once divided the Neolithic culture across the country into six regions, and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River is one of them. Later, although some scholars proposed “eight districts” and “seven districts said” one after another, that “the twelve districts said”, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River as a relatively independent cultural unit has basically become the consensus of all. However, the prehistoric culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River not only has a macroscopic unity, but also has a micro-diversity side. In other words, although the overall framework of the cultural area of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River has been set up, the specific internal structure needs to be further developed. However, the feasibility of this study lies in the fact that more and more archaeological discoveries in recent years are constantly enriching or filling in the weak spots and the lack of time in previous studies. This provides us with the opportunity to examine the conditions of the regional structure and inter-relations within the prehistoric cultural region of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River from a more complete time and space perspective.