与以往沉闷的高考地理试题相比 ,2 0 0 0年的高考地理试题有较大改观。题目具有较高的综合性、实用性和灵活性 ,新鲜活泼的题目跃然纸上 ,令人耳目一新。试题在保持去年命题优势的基础上 ,突出了数理定量表述和综合性的地理特点 ,加强了考查地理基础知识及分析运用的能力 ,死记
Compared with the dull geography examination questions in the past, the geography examination questions of the college entrance examination in 2000 have greatly improved. The title has a high degree of comprehensiveness, practicality, and flexibility. The fresh and lively questions are vivid on the paper and it is refreshing. On the basis of maintaining the superiority of last year’s propositions, the examination questions highlight the mathematical representations and quantitative and comprehensive geographic features, and strengthen the ability to examine geographic basic knowledge and analyze applications.