先学会生活 夜里两点,从主新闻中心开往记者村的大巴在新闻中心门口缓缓调头,满满一车的记者们立刻给予司机热烈掌声。 原来,从新闻中心到雅典大学记者村的路线有两条,一是绕新闻中心旁边的奥林匹克综合中心,即奥林匹克体育场、水上中心、网球场等好几个场地驶向记者村;另外一种路线就是在新闻中心门口直接调头。
First learn life at two o’clock at night, from the main press center bound for the reporter village bus in the press center slowly turn around, full of a car reporters immediately gave the driver warm applause. Originally, there were two routes from the information center to the journalists’ village in the University of Athens. One was to take the Olympic Complex, the Olympic Stadium, the Aquatics Center and the tennis court to the village of reporters around several Olympic venues next to the Information Center. Another route was U-turn in front of the press center.