为促进贵州旅游翻译事业进一步发展,本文将变译理论运用于贵州黔东南旅游外宣翻译资料的研究,拟从跨文化交际和跨语言层面对由香港中国旅游出版社出版的《贵州游》和黔Focus on Guizhou英汉对照本进行了具体的分析和研究。首先,在明确指出跨文化旅游翻译应遵循英汉旅游文本各自特点的基础上,选取了四个典型翻译实例,运用变译理论中的增、减、编、述、缩、并、改等变通手段和技巧对贵州黔东南旅游跨文化翻译的英译方法和技巧进行了探究,旨在为促进贵州跨文化旅游翻译理论与实践注入新的活力,提供新的研究视角,从而使旅游译文更好地契合目的语读者的心理期待和文化视野,更好地实现跨文化旅游翻译的交际目的。
In order to promote the further development of the tourism translation in Guizhou, this paper applies the theory of translation to the study of the translation of tourist information in Qiandongnan Guizhou Province. It is proposed that from the cross-cultural communication and cross-linguistic levels, Focus Focus on Guizhou English-Chinese comparison of the specific analysis and research. First of all, on the basis of clearly pointing out that the transcultural tourism translation should follow the respective characteristics of English and Chinese tourism texts, four typical examples of translation are selected and the transformative means such as adding, subtracting, editing, describing, contracting, And techniques to explore the methods and techniques of translating English into English in the trans-cultural tourism in Qiandongnan Guizhou. The purpose of this article is to provide a new perspective for the study of trans-cultural tourism translation in Guizhou, To meet the target readers’ psychological expectations and cultural perspective, to better achieve the purpose of intercultural tourism translation.