宁夏出版人,同宁夏一道与 SARS 赛跑;宁夏出版人,用“非典”时期的非常出版,勇敢助战抗 SARS 行动,用万册图书构筑起抗击“非典”的知识防线!4月25日,当一份《宁夏迎战“非典”行动手册》的选题策划方案摆放在宁夏人民出版社社长、总编辑高伟面前时,他的胸际涌动起的是一种责任。当即批示:选题紧急启动。下午5时许,战前动员会就在社长办公室召开。预定的出版时间锁定在5月4日。
Ningxia publishers, together with Ningxia and SARS race; Ningxia publishers, with “SARS ” period of very published, courageous help combat anti-SARS action, with thousands of books to build a defensive “SARS ” knowledge defense! On the 25th, when a planning plan for the selection of the “Ningxia Anti-SARS” “Operation Manual” was placed before the president and editor in chief of Ningxia People’s Publishing House, Gao Wei was a kind of surge in his chest responsibility. Immediate instructions: the topic of emergency start. 5 o’clock in the afternoon, prewar war mobilization will be held in the president’s office. The scheduled publication time is locked on May 4.