The questionnaire on autonomic regulation:a useful concept for integrative medicine?

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teiku
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The concept of autono mic regulation (aR) refl ects the relevance of the function of different autonomic systems for health. aR can be captured by questionnaires. We differentiate between a trait or constitutional aR questionnaire version including 12 (short-version) or 18 items, respectively, with three subscales (orthostatic-circulatory, rest/activity and digestive regulation), and an 18-item state aR questionnaire on the preceding week with four subscales (rest/activity, orthostatic-circulatory, thermo - and digestive regulation). The validated questionnaires show satisfying to good reliability and robust validity with clear construct validity. In this article, we summarized the actualy available literature on aR and the use of aR questionnaires in clinical and observational studies. We described the relationship of high aR with health and in case of low aR or loss of regulation with disease and functional disorder in the three (four) different subscales and functional systems, such as rest/activity, orthostatic-circulatory or digestive regulation (thermoregulation) with the consecutive therapeutic need. Finaly, we gave perspectives of its further application in clinical research.
郑明因商场失意患了抑郁症,服了半年药也没见好转。他是我高中时的同学,写信告诉我治疗经过,让我这个当医生的“想想办法”。从信中可以看出,用药方法不当是造成他久治不愈的主要原因。  抑郁症是一种常见的精神疾病,主要治疗方法是使用抗抑郁药。目前最常用的是三环类(如丙米嗪、氯丙帕明、阿米替林)、四环类(如马普替林、米安色林)、单胺氧化酶抑制剂(MAOI,如吗氯贝胺、托洛沙酮)及其他类(如氟西汀、舍曲林、曲
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