中国的长期发展必须立足于国内,因此,扩大内需也是我们这样一个大国经济长远发展的动力。在我们实施一系列重大扩大内需政策措施的过程中,将面临诸多突出问题。 扩大投资需求三议 首先是把握好投向。目前,由于经济的过剩运行,如再投向一般加工工业,势必造成重复建设,导致经济过剩运行的加剧。那种靠采取简单放松银根和降低存贷款利率去刺激投资而不管项目的投资结构和收益的做法,已使我们尝到了不少苦头。改革开放以来正反两方面的经验告诉我们,扩大固定资产投资,必须坚持
The long-term development of China must be based on the domestic market. Therefore, expanding domestic demand is also the driving force for long-term economic development in a big country like ours. As we implement a series of major policy measures to expand domestic demand, we will face many outstanding problems. Three proposals to expand investment needs, first of all, make good investment. At present, due to the surplus operation of the economy, re-investment in the general processing industry will inevitably result in redundant construction and will lead to the exacerbation of the operation of the surplus economy. We have suffered quite a lot from adopting simple easing of monetary policy and lowering the deposit and lending rates to stimulate investment despite the investment structure and returns of the project. Both positive and negative experiences since the reform and opening up tell us that to expand investment in fixed assets, we must uphold