近期集中爆发的一些问题似乎需要我们对上市公司的许多行为给予更深层次的思考 ;曾经的精英公司纷纷预亏预警.无论优劣的公司都滥用增发“广夏”神话一夜间灰飞烟灭……如此众多的问题,似乎不能再用一些冠冕堂皇的理由来敷衍中小投资者。上市公司行为的随意性已经成为资本市
Some of the recent outbreaks of centralization seem to require that we think more deeply about many of the listed companies' behavior; once the elite companies have pre-warned. Both good and bad companies abuse the issuance of “Guang Xia” myth of a night ashes ... so many problems, it seems impossible to use some high-sounding reasons to deal with small and medium investors. The randomness of the behavior of listed companies has become a capital city