不知是大众传媒的宣传影响,还是街头巷尾的耳闻目睹,反正一提到警察,人们总能够毫不费力地列举出一串他们所熟知的警种:刑警、巡警、户籍警、交通警、消防警……然而,在橄榄绿的“方阵”里,还有一个鲜为人知的特殊“群落”——档案人员。他们成年累月地与“故纸堆”打“交道”,“平淡、单调、枯燥”构成了他们工作的“主旋律”。尽管他们没有战斗在“第一线”指挥交通、持枪巡逻、破案擒凶,但谁又能否认人民的安宁、社会的稳定离得了他们默默的劳作呢?从某种意义上讲,从事这项事业的人更要有坚定的理想和事业心,更需要有对历史和现实负责的崇高使命感。 这里,就让我们走近他们,深入到他们的内心世界,去感受一下他们的思想情操、精神风范。
I do not know the publicity of the mass media, or the streets and lanes saw and heard, anyway, when it comes to the police, people can effortlessly enumerate a string of their familiar police: Interpol, patrols, household police, traffic police, fire brigade ... However, in the olive green “square”, there is a little-known special “community” - archivists. Throughout the years, they deal with the “old paper pile” and “dull, monotonous and boring” constitute the “main theme” of their work. Although they did not fight in the “first line” to direct traffic, armed patrols and solve crimes, whoever denied the peace of the people and social stability left their silent labor? In a sense, Those who work must have a firm ideals and dedication. They also need a noble sense of mission that is responsible for history and reality. Here, let us approach them, deep into their inner world, to feel their sentiments, spiritual style.