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在我国,新闻媒体及其从业人员通过“暗访”等多种方式侵害隐私权的现象时有发生并造成许多负面影响。究其根源,就在于隐私权与新闻自由的冲突与对立和我国相关法律规定的缺陷与偏差。因此,为实现新闻侵害隐私权现象的消解,根据我国实际情况应当先行就隐私权侵权行为的免责原则进行厘定。 In our country, the news media and its practitioners have violated the right of privacy by many ways such as “unannounced visits” and have caused many negative effects. The root cause lies in the conflict and opposition between privacy and freedom of the press and the defects and discrepancies stipulated in the relevant laws of our country. Therefore, in order to eliminate the phenomenon of news invasion of privacy, according to the actual situation in our country, the principle of exemption from privacy infringement should be determined first.