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中小学音乐教育必须以全体学生为对象,以普及音乐文化、全面提高学生素质为任务,要彻底改变以专业音乐教育为目的,以教师为中心,单纯地传授知识、技能的教学思路。中小学音乐教育要以学生为本,以音乐教育为手段,促进学生全面发展。在面向全体学生的同时还得注意学生的个性发展,另外音乐课堂教学,本身应是丰富多彩的,音乐教师要以高度的责任感,在努力提高自身教学水平,不断改进教学方法的基础上,保证每节课的教学质量。 Primary and secondary school music education must take all students as the object, popularize music culture and improve students’ quality comprehensively. It is necessary to completely change the teaching ideas of purely teaching knowledge and skills with the purpose of professional music education and teachers as the center. Music education in primary and secondary schools should be student-centered, with music education as a means to promote the all-round development of students. In the face of all students have to pay attention to the personality development of students, the other music classroom teaching itself should be rich and colorful, music teachers should be highly responsible, in an effort to improve their own teaching level, and constantly improve the teaching methods, based on the guarantee The quality of teaching in each lesson.