在市场经济条件下,卫生改革不断深入,医院信访工作面临许多新情况、新问题。为使信访工作适应新形势的需要,应该认清两个变化,发挥三个作用,做好四方面工作。 两个变化是: ——信访形式的变化。随着医院分级管理的实施,信访形式发生了根本的变化,分级管理所要求的超前工作替代了原先相当部分的后置信访。分级管理标准要求定期召开工休座
Under the conditions of a market economy, health reforms continue to deepen, and the petition work of hospitals is faced with many new situations and new problems. In order to adapt the petition work to the needs of the new situation, it is necessary to recognize two changes, play three roles, and do a good job in four areas. The two changes are: - Changes in the form of letters and visits. With the implementation of hierarchical management of hospitals, the form of letters and visits has undergone fundamental changes, and advance work required by hierarchical management has replaced a substantial part of the initial post-petition. Graded management standards require regular work breaks