介绍了一种新型计量露点的标准仪器“图像敏感式露点仪”的系统原理、软硬件构成及关键技术 .该仪器经国家权威机构检定和若干单位试用表明 ,其性能稳定可靠 ,对提高部队乃至其他行业的湿度露点的计量水平起到了积极的作用并且具有广泛的推广前景
The system principle, hardware and software composition and key technologies of a new type of standard dew point measuring instrument for measuring dew point are introduced in this paper.It has been proved by the national authoritative agencies and some units that its performance is stable and reliable, The measurement of humidity dew point in other industries has played a positive role and has a wide range of promotion prospects