“红尘”与“梦乡”两大系列,在上海艺术博览会的“SMG艺术”展位亮相。一段海上风华绝代的故事和江南水乡的情话顿时在这个240平方米的超大空间弥漫,陈逸鸣的30幅作品受到了SMG旗下艺术人文频道的总监陈雨人的大力赞赏和推荐。买得起的艺术品SMG隶属于上海广播电视台、上海东方传媒集团有限公司,自201 1年起已经连续三年参与上海艺博会,借助自身的品牌影响力初涉艺术品展览等市场。而此次以“SMG艺术”出现,是其正式进军艺术品投资领域
“Red ” and “Dream ” two series, at the Shanghai Art Fair “SMG Art ” booth debut. An epic story of the sea and the feelings of the Jiangnan Water Village suddenly filled the 240 square meters of space, Chen Yi-ming’s 30 works by SMG’s artistic humanities channel director Chen Yuren strongly appreciated and recommended. Affordable artwork SMG, a subsidiary of Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Oriental Media Group Co., Ltd., has been participating in the Shanghai Art Fair for three consecutive years since 2011. With its own brand influence, it has been involved in art exhibitions and other markets for the first time. The appearance of “SMG Art” this time marks the official entry into the art investment field