雷发达(明万历四十七年生,清康熙三十二年卒,即公元1619年~1693年在世),是清代著名建筑世家“样式雷”的家祖。在清代,曾在民间流传着一段极富声色的传奇故事,使雷发达蜚声遐迩,这就是雷发达太和殿上梁立功的故事。三十年代初,《营造学社》创始人朱启钤先生在整理有关“样式雷”世家史料时,搜集并在《哲匠录》中载录了这一动人故事: 康熙中叶营建三殿大工(按,即重修紫禁城太和殿、中和殿、保和殿工程),发达以南匠供役其间。故老传闻云:“时太和
Lei was well-developed (Ming Wanli was born in forty-seven years, and Qing Emperor Kangxi died in the 32nd year, that is, lived from 1619 to 1693 AD), and was the ancestor of the famous architectural family “Style Lei” in the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a legendary sensation in the folk, which made Lei Sheng shout. This is the story of Lei Liangtai and Liang Ligong. In the early 1930s, when Mr. Zhu Qichen, the founder of the “Building Society”, collated the historical data on the “Ray Style” family, he collected and moved the moving story in “The Book of Craftsmanship”: It rebuilt the Taihe Temple, Zhonghe Temple and Baohe Temple Project of the Forbidden City. Therefore, the old rumors cloud: "Time Taihe