艰苦创业戈壁变绿洲 民族和睦边疆更繁荣——新疆维吾尔自治区考察观感

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2000年8月21日至9月2日,我有幸参加了中央金融工委组织的全国金融系统青年专家赴新疆国情考察团。通过参观考察乌市及昌吉、石河子、伊犁、巴州、库尔勒、吐鲁番等6个地州市的兵团、厂矿、果园、农牧场等,不仅了解了新疆维吾尔自治区的基本情况,对其兵团建设、生态环境、自然风光、民族风情、历史文化等也有了进一步认识,特别是对中央实施西部大开发伟大战略决策有了更全面和深刻的理解。同时,通过与新疆党政干部、各族群众的广泛接触交往,彼此增进了了解,交流了感情,建立了友谊,受到了一次深刻的爱国主义教育、艰苦创业教育和国情形势教育。在这次内容丰富的考察活动中,我耳闻目睹了许多事情,感想很多,收获也很大,概括起来有以下几点:一、对实施西部大开发重要性和对新疆区情的初步认识新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,与俄罗斯、巴基斯坦等八国接壤。全区有维吾尔、哈萨克等多种民族,是一个边疆多民族聚居地区。新疆拥有得天独厚的水土光热资源,盛产粮棉油和瓜果,有“瓜果之乡”的美称。新疆资源丰富、种类齐全、储量很大,尤其是石油、天然气、煤等能源储量丰富,极富开发 From August 21 to September 2, 2000, I was fortunate to have participated in a delegation of young experts from the national financial system organized by the Central Financial Working Commission to visit Xinjiang’s national conditions. Through the tour of Urumqi and Changji, Shihezi, Ili, Bazhou, Korla, Turpan and other six prefectures and cities of the Corps, factories and mines, orchards, pastures and other not only understand the basic situation of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, its corps construction Ecological environment, natural scenery, ethnic customs and history and culture. In particular, it has made a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the great strategic decision made by the central government in carrying out the large-scale development of the western region. At the same time, through extensive contacts and exchanges with party and government cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, they have gained mutual understanding, exchanged feelings and established friendship and have enjoyed a profound education in patriotism, arduous pioneering education and education in the national conditions. In this informative study tour, I have heard a lot of things heard and heard, many thoughts, and great gains. To sum up, I have the following points: I. The Importance of Implementing Western Development and the Initial Understanding of the Situation in Xinjiang Xinjiang Located in the hinterland of Asia and Europe, and Russia, Pakistan and other eight bordering. The region has Uygur, Kazak and other ethnic groups, is a frontier multi-ethnic areas. Xinjiang has unique soil, water and heat resources, rich in grain and oil and fruits, there is “the fruit of rural” reputation. Xinjiang is rich in resources, full range, large reserves, especially oil, natural gas, coal and other energy reserves, rich in development
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