精神病是指在内外各种致病因素影响下 ,大脑机能紊乱 ,导致思维、情感、智能、行为和意志等精神活动产生不同程度障碍的疾病 ,是常见的易发病 ,病因很多。精神分裂症多起病于青壮年 ,以自身思维、情感、行为的相互不协调以及与环境的不协调为主要表现 ,病人可有各种怪异言行和
Psychosis refers to the disorder of brain function caused by various internal and external pathogenic factors, resulting in mental, mental, behavioral and voluntary mental activities such as disorders of varying degrees of severity. It is a common and frequently occurring disease, with many causes. Schizophrenia mostly affects young adults and is mainly manifested in the inconsistency of their own thinking, emotions, and behaviors, as well as their inconsistencies with the environment. Patients can have a variety of weird words and actions.