The authors performed biopsy and dopa staining on 6 patients with systemic and 2 localized scleroderma, and underwent electron microscopy to determine the size of melanosomes in order to study the characteristics of their melanocyte dysfunction. Results: hyperpigmentation In the skin, the number of melanocytes is normal or only slightly increased. Its distribution is not as good as that of normal skin. Its size, number of dendrites, and its length are generally increased. Dopa oxidase activity is higher than that of normal surrounding skin. In the skin, the melanocytes at the edge of the lesion are larger (3 or 4 times) than normal, and are irregularly distributed. Some of them are star-shaped or long-spindle-shaped. The others are round and have no dendrites. Sometimes they are numerous. Barium Oxygenase is higher than hyperpigmented skin. Central to skin lesions: No melanocytes with dopa-positive melanocytes. In the hypopigmented skin, the number of melanocytes increases, the distribution is irregular, and the cell size and number of dendrites