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作为一门语言学科,英语在世界范围内使用越来越广泛,它也是中小学很重要的一门课程。尤其在偏远农村更是教师教起来费力,学生学起来“头疼”的一门科目。笔者根据自己十六年的英语教学反思和不断实践总结,认为农村学生学好初中英语并不难,关键是看你的学习方法是否科学、灵活。一、良好的学习兴趣,是学好英语的前提保障一个人如果做自己喜欢干的事就容易坚持下去;做自己不喜欢的事,是很难坚持下去的。这就是说无论我们做什么事,“兴 As a language discipline, English is used more and more in the world. It is also a very important course for primary and secondary schools. Especially in remote rural areas is a teacher taught them laborious, students learn ”headache “ of a subject. According to my own 16 years of English teaching reflection and continuous practice summary, that rural students learn junior high school English is not difficult, the key is to see if your learning method is scientific and flexible. First, a good interest in learning is the premise of learning English to protect a person if you do what you like to do it easy to stick to it; do what you do not like, it is difficult to persevere. This means that no matter what we do, ”Hing