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研究了直链和链中插有环己烯基团的吲哚类菁染料薄膜的光谱特性并对其进行了静态测试.研究表明,这两种薄膜在可见及近红外波段具有较好的吸收和反射特性;静态测试结果表明其对比度均可达到40%以上,具备光盘记录介质的特性.还特别利用He-Ne激光连续照射的方法研究了这两种薄膜的光反射特性,发现其反射率随光照的进行逐渐增强,并渐趋平缓. The spectroscopic properties of indoles cyanine dyes with linear chains and chains inserted in them were studied and the static tests were carried out. The results show that these two films have good absorption in visible and near infrared And the reflection characteristics of the films.It can be seen from the static test results that the contrast ratio can reach more than 40%, which has the characteristics of the recording media of the optical disc.It is also studied that the light reflection characteristics of the two films are studied by the continuous irradiation of He-Ne laser, With the light of the gradual increase, and gradually flatten.
目的探讨中频脉冲电刺激治疗联合常规康复训练治疗脑卒中后肩关节半脱位的临床疗效。方法 40例脑卒中后肩关节半脱位患者作为研究对象,按入组顺序分为研究组和对照组,每组20
东汉桓荣担任太学博士之后,经常着儒生衣服,温良恭谨,不遗余力地教授太子刘庄,既重言传,又重身教。  几年后,桓荣提出辞呈:“太子凭着聪明的资质和勤奋努力观览古今,通明经义,已成博学鸿儒,而我才学已尽,也该告老还乡了。”  刘庄闻讯,给老师写了一封信:“我以幼稚愚昧,学道九年,无所晓识。‘五经’这么广博,圣人的学说那么高深,不是天下的聪明人,怎么能精通得了?”他真切地希望桓荣继续留在宫中。刘秀深为太