重庆市秀山土家族苗族自治县地处武陵山区腹地,渝东南边陲,位于渝鄂湘黔四省(市)交汇处,是国家级连片特困县。辖27个街道、乡镇,267个村居,1882个村(居)民小组,总人口65万人,幅员面积2 450 km~2,素有“小成都”之美称,是以土家族、苗族为主的17个少数民族聚居的边远山区县,优质水稻、油菜是基础保供优势特色产业。本县获重庆市无公害粮油产地认定.是重庆市唯一的稻油全程社会
Tujia and Miao Autonomous County of Chongqing Municipality is located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain, southeast border of Chongqing, located in Chongqing, Hunan and Guizhou provinces (cities) Interchange, is a state-level contiguous destitute counties. Jurisdiction over 27 streets, towns and villages, 267 village houses, 1882 villages (residential) people group, with a total population of 650,000 people, covers an area of 2 450 km ~ 2, known as “Little Chengdu” reputation, , Miao-dominated 17 ethnic minority remote mountainous counties, high-quality rice, rape is the basis for the protection of the advantages of special industries. The county was recognized as a pollution-free grain and oil producer in Chongqing and the only rice-oil society in Chongqing