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中国工农红军从1934年10月到1936年10月,进行了伟大的战略转移,即著名的二万五千里长征。甘肃省是当年红军经过的地域较广,过境部队最多的省份,也是红一、二、四方面军三大主力胜利会师的地方。从陇南山区到陇东高原,到处都留下了红军长征的足迹,为甘肃播下了革命的种子。党中央曾在甘肃召开过不少重要会议,作出了许多事关全局的重要决策,在历史上占有极为重要的地位。一、俄界会议1935年6月18日,党中央率红一方面军经过艰苦奋战,胜利到达四川懋功地区,同四方面军会师。6月26日,党中央在两河口召开政治局扩大会议,通过了《关于一、四方面军会合后战略方针的决定》,明确指出,会合后的两军应“集中主力向北进攻,在运动过程中大量消灭敌人,首先取得甘肃南部以创造川陕苏根据地,使中国苏维埃运动在更巩固更扩大的基础上,以争取西北各省以至全中国的胜利。”这 From October 1934 to October 1936, the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants conducted a great strategic shift, the famous Long March of 25,000. Gansu Province was the place where the Red Army passed by that year with a vast territory and the largest number of transit troops. It was also the place where the three main forces of the Red Army, the second and the fourth army triumphed in victory. From Longnan to Longdong Plateau, the footsteps of the Long March of the Red Army were left everywhere, sowing the seeds of revolution for Gansu. The Central Party Central Committee held many important meetings in Gansu and made many important decisions concerning the overall situation, occupying an extremely important position in history. First, the Russian community meeting June 18, 1935, the CPC Central Committee rate red army after a hard battle, victory arrived in Sichuan Mao Gong area, with the four quarters of the army division. On June 26, the Central Party Committee convened an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau in Lianghekou and adopted the “Decision on the Strategic Approach to the Post-unification Meeting of the First and Fourth Quarters”, making it clear that the two armed forces after the meeting should "focus their attacks on the north, During the campaign, a large number of enemy troops were eliminated. First, southern Gansu was established to create the Sichuan-Shaanxi-Soviet Base and the Chinese Soviet movement was consolidated on the basis of a more consolidated and more expansion to win the victory of all provinces in Northwest China and even China.
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