1基本案情2016年9月12日,安徽省庐江县的郭某扛着一根鱼竿在水库大埂上行走时,鱼竿碰到高压线,郭某不幸遭电击身亡。事发后,郭某的父母将庐江县供电公司起诉至法院,称供电公司在该线路跨水库大埂附近的电线杆上未设置任何明显警示标志;事发地段经测量多处线路距地面垂直距离未达5.5 m;供电公司对其经营的线路疏于管理,造成了本起事故的发生,应负赔偿责任。被告庐江县供电公司辩称:郭某触电点位于水库
1 Basic case September 12, 2016, Guo Mou, Lujiang County, Anhui Province, carrying a fishing rod walking on the dam in the reservoir, the fishing rod hit the high-voltage lines, Kwak unfortunate electric shock killed. After the incident, Kwak’s parents prosecuted Lujiang County Power Supply Company to the court, saying that the power supply company did not set any obvious warning signs on the power poles near the reservoir across the reservoir line. After the incident was measured by a number of lines perpendicular to the ground Distance less than 5.5 m; power company to its management of the line neglect management, resulting in the accident, should be liable. Defendant Lujiang County Power Company argued: Kwak touched point in the reservoir