Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) seems to be one of the most sensitive defense mechanisms in the body. This article has investigated the ADCC activity of leucocytes in peripheral blood of various leukemia patients. A total of 36 untreated leukemia patients were examined, including 5 cases of acute lymphocytic leukemia (18 to 28 years old), 18 cases of acute non-leaching (20 to 56 years old), including 2 cases of immature acute granules, and primitive cells (abbreviated as Original) were 94% and 96%, respectively, mature acute granules in 11 cases (original 11-92%), promyelocytic leukemia in 1 case (formerly 88%), rushed single in 2 cases (original 18% and 80%), red 2 cases of leukemia (previously 6% and 68%); 6 cases of chronic lysis (45 to 70 years old) and 7 cases of chronic granuloma (25 to 60 cases)