皂角刺又称皂角针,是豆科落叶乔木植物皂荚树的干燥棘刺。其性温,味辛,一种应用非常普遍的中药,具有排毒和祛除淤肿的作用,临床上主要用于治疗皮肤脓肿等。现代抗癌药理研究还表明,皂角刺具有抗癌抑癌活性。由于皂荚树的管理措施比较简单粗放,近几年在北方一些地区的农民或合作社通过种植皂荚树,采收皂角刺增收致富,效益十分可观。本文重点介绍皂荚树的育苗、种植及皂角刺的采收技术等,供种植者参考。1关于皂荚树皂荚(Gleditsia sinensis Lam.)又名皂荚树、
Gypsophila thorn, also known as Zaju needle, legume deciduous tree is the dry spiny acacia tree. Its warm, spicy, a very common application of traditional Chinese medicine, with detoxification and eliminate the role of bruises, clinically used mainly for the treatment of skin abscess and so on. Modern anti-cancer pharmacological studies have also shown that saponin thorn has anti-cancer anti-tumor activity. Due to the relatively simple and extensive management of the acacia plantation, in recent years, farmers and co-operatives in some areas in the north have benefited from the cultivation of acacia trees by harvesting the acanthopanax semen. This article focuses on the honey seedling saponins tree planting and barley acacia harvesting technology, for growers reference. 1 About Gleditsia sinensis Lam. (Gleditsia sinensis Lam.) Aka honey,