多谋善断 智破全案——忆曹显政指挥侦破谭锡元被害案

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今年是曹显政同志逝世15周年。曹显政同志1937年参加革命,同年入党,从事公安工作40余年,曾是云南省刑侦工作的主要负责人、破案专家,生前任云南省公安厅刑侦处处长、副厅长、顾问。曹显政是我的老上级、老领导、言传身教的老师。我与他相依相伴在一起共同战斗生活了28年,对我的影响成长颇大。他的一生是革命的一生,战斗的一生,光辉的一生,他把毕生的精力都无私地献给了党的公安保卫工作,为云南省的刑侦技术工作和刑侦技术队伍的建设奠定了基础,做出了特殊的贡献。他去世后我们遵嘱将他的骨灰洒在了云南的山山水水。“文革”前,在他亲自指挥下破获的许多重大刑事案件中,有多起受到了公安部和上级的通报表扬和奖励。云南省的刑事案件破案率一直在全国名列前矛,保持长盛不衰的强劲势头。1958年全省破案率达99.99%,名列全国第一。1959年春,公安部罗瑞卿部长来云南视察工作,对云南省的公安工作,特 This year marks the 15th anniversary of the death of Comrade Cao Xianzheng. Comrade Cao Xianzheng joined the revolution in 1937, joined the party in the same year, and engaged in public security work for more than 40 years. He was the chief person in charge of criminal investigation in Yunnan Province, and an expert in case detection before his death. He served as the director, deputy director and counselor of the Criminal Investigation Department of Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department. Cao Xianzheng is my old superior, the old leader, precept and example teacher. I have been together with him for 28 years to fight together and the impact on me has greatly increased. His life is a revolutionary life, fighting life, a brilliant life, he devoted all his life to the Party’s work of public security, he laid the foundation for criminal investigation and technical work in Yunnan Province and criminal investigation and technical team building, Made a special contribution. After he died, we ordered that his ashes be sprinkled on the mountains and rivers of Yunnan. Before the “Cultural Revolution”, many of the major criminal cases uncovered by him personally were praised and rewarded by the Ministry of Public Security and their superiors for their briefings. The detection rate of criminal cases in Yunnan Province has been among the top spearheads in the country and has maintained its momentum of sustained growth. In 1958, the provincial detection rate reached 99.99%, ranking first in the country. In the spring of 1959, Minister Luo Ruiqing of the Ministry of Public Security visited Yunnan to inspect the work of public security in Yunnan Province.
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