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《铀矿冶》(季刊)是中国核学会铀矿冶学会主办的以应用技术为主、兼顾基础理论的综合性科技刊物,为原子能技术类核心期刊。主要刊登放射性金属、贵金属、稀土金属、稀有金属和有色金属等的采矿、选矿、冶金及有关矿山地质、物理探矿、矿山测量、安全防护、分析检测、设备仪表、有机材料、环境保护、自动控制、计算机应用、技术经济分析等方面的科技成果、综合述评、工作简报和动态等,可供从事矿冶生产、科研、设计、教学的科技、管理人员及化学、化工、地质等相关专业人员参阅。 “Uranium Mining and Metallurgy” (Quarterly) is a comprehensive science and technology publication mainly organized by the Institute of Uranium, Mining and Metallurgy of the Chinese Society of Nuclear Science and taking into account the basic theory, and is the core journals of atomic energy technology. Mainly publishing radioactive metals, precious metals, rare earth metals, rare metals and nonferrous metals mining, mineral processing, metallurgy and related mining geological, physical prospecting, mining surveying, security protection, analysis and testing, instrumentation, organic materials, environmental protection, automatic control , Computer applications, technical and economic analysis of scientific and technological achievements, comprehensive commentary, briefings and dynamic work, for mining and metallurgy, scientific research, design, teaching science and technology, management and chemical, chemical, geological and other related professionals see .
在高产条件下研究了鲁单 5 0不同密度群体的产量潜力 ,结果表明 ,群体产量潜力因密度提高而增加 ,同时 ,空秆率上升 ,败育粒数增加。在本试验条件下 ,获得最高产量为 9399 82
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。《亚热带植物科学》编委会成员简介(4) Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view prof
苏玉 (糯 ) 1号是江苏沿江地区农科所 1986年育成 ,1991年审定定名的糯质玉米单交种。其用途既可以收干子粒食用 ,更多的以鲜果穗上市。苏玉(糯 ) 1号的鲜果穗白粒皮薄 ,果穗